

Even the Stains Pale, performed by Anagram Ensemble in 2015 at The Stone as part of Experiments in Opera’s Travel Agency is on Fire festival. It utilizes William Burroughs’ cut-ups of text by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Remarks on Color for 5-10 players
composed by Andy Guthrie and Billy Gomberg
performed by Katie Porter, David Kant, James Ilgenfritz, Andy Guthrie, Hannah Levinson, Erik Carlson, and Ben Richter in June 2013 at Willow Place Auditorium, Brooklyn

“Spine Wide and Flat a Landscape” for baritone voice, percussion, violoncello and french horn
text by Lily Robert-Foley
performed by Thomas Buckner, Chris Nappi Ted Mook, and Jill Van Nostrand in February 2012 at Roulette, Brooklyn

Version 1: Acoustic Model with Sound Absorbing Treatment

Spine Wide And Flat Version 1 by Andy Guthrie

Version 2: Acoustic Model with No Sound Absorbing Treatment

Spine Wide And Flat Version 2 by Andy Guthrie

“Baron Felix: Justice, Madeleine! (as we’ve done in africa and elsewhere)” for 6 players
based on text from Forever Mozart by Jean-Luc Godard
performed by Ensemble Pamplemousse, 2006

Baronfelix by Andy Guthrie

“Margaret or Olivier” for clarinet, baritone saxophone and violoncello
based on text from Art Poetic by Olivier Cadiot
performed by The S.E.M. Ensemble, 2006

Margaret-Olivier by Andy Guthrie

Five Summations a piece for four pianos and violin
Two Internal Compositions a piece for two double basses and voice