Certain Words Again and Again (CS/Digital, Sunshine Ltd, 2014)

Available from Sunshine Ltd is a new collection of generally reduced, rather ambient tracks, constructed from synthesizers, Farfisa, some effects and room/direct recording mix…. Certain Words Again And Again is available as a digital release through my Bandcamp subscription.  


These latest long form works from Gomberg, rooted in synthesizers and computers, provide comfort in vibratory waves.The movements are slow and static, warm and detailed without being obsessive. Mixed in with direct recordings are room recordings that hint at the live presence which is presiding over all—orchestrating, guiding. These are the hypnogogic moments in the window seat. The comfort of the blanket. The sunset at 30,000 ft.

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Here’s an additional good word from Justin Snow/Anti-Gravity Bunny:

This is one of those instances where I know the artist, I’ve listened to him before, I’ve even reviewed a record of his before (Waiting In Poor Lighting), and while the name has stuck with me, I was never really hooked or anything. So if you’re maybe in the same boat as me in regards to Mr. Billy Gomberg, do yourself a favor and put this one on the top of your listening pile. Certain Words Again And Again is 40 minutes (45 if you’re listening to the digital version) of brilliantly beautiful minimal tender drone that effortlessly floats in the air, light & delicate, yet substantial enough to completely wrap your senses in a cloud of bliss, glowing shades of warmth that shift oh so slowly in a gorgeous display of silent transcendence brought to life, a stunning presentation of restraint and precision perfectly balanced between overworked and underdeveloped that can be so hard to achieve in minimalism, Gomberg has made something truly fucking exquisite, I just want it to swallow me whole and not have to care about anything else. And back to that time difference thing I mentioned before, the track listing differs between physical & digital versions, the physical has 2 long and 2 short songs, the digital drops the 2 short songs and adds another long one, so you’re actually treated to almost an hour of music here, wholly worth the $7 price tag.