fraufraulein / ties two Facts together (digital, Erstwhile/amplify 2020, 2020)

Invited by Jon Abbey of Erstwhile Records to participate in his Amplify:Quarantine online festival of releases, Andy & I present two brief pieces in ties two Facts together. a note from Jon:

“4/14/20, 53rd piece/s.

for obvious reasons, almost every piece so far has been solo, with the only exception the stellar long distance English blind overdub duo, check that one out if you missed it.

so here we have the first live duo entry, from fraufraulein, the longtime couple of Billy Gomberg and Andy Guthrie. both are well established on their own, but their duo is in its own area, comfortable yet challenging, relaxing yet unpredictable, always a pleasure to see/hear perform or to listen to their recordings. this is their first released work as a duo since moving from Brooklyn to SF in 2018, and I can’t wait to dive in.

very happy to present “ties two Facts together”, two pieces recorded on March 31 and April 7.”

download mp3
download flac

and a note from us: “words: waiting for the restaurant downstairs to close (takeout only means they now shut down the exhaust fan at 9pm instead of 10pm), yet also staying quiet ourselves so as not to wake the kid, leading to small and simple sounds. clearer moments from a few nights this week”