a roll of Seagull 100 in Kasai

I traveled to Japan with a ziploc of Portra to use, Lee only brought two rolls, so we got to make stops at various camera shops along the way. In Kobe, we stopped at Camera Naniwa, where I spotted a lone roll of ...

website update update

hey, if you are swinging by, I'm working on updating this website, so if something seems off or missing or just wonky, it's definitely my fault and I'm working on it.

three nights in Japan

next sunday I’m flying out to Japan for a handful of gigs and hangouts. 9/6 Tokyo @ Nanahari with Lee Noble & Leo Okagawa 9/9 Kasai @ Void w/ Lee Noble, 5k Candle (11a-7p afternoon chill fest) 9/10 Tokyo @ ...